What causes chest tightness and burping? Is it a risk factor for heart disease?

Chest congestion, burping, what are the causes of these symptoms?
1. Acid reflux disease
This is the first disease that should be thought of because many people are suffering from this disease. Acid reflux is a condition in which acid or digestive juices in the stomach flow back into the esophagus, resulting in symptoms of heartburn, tightness in the chest up to the throat, and burping.
2. Panic disorder
Or panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder caused by the autonomic nervous system. This nervous system can cause a variety of symptoms and is also related to acid reflux disease. It causes symptoms of palpitations, chest tightness, stomach churn, and fear of everything.
3. Allergy
Allergies can cause us to have chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and burping as well because allergens stimulate the body to create antibodies and release histamine, which causes the symptoms mentioned above. Allergy patients should therefore avoid allergens to prevent symptoms from flaring up, especially patients with asthma.
4. Pulmonary embolism
Just hearing the name makes you feel scared, but it doesn’t happen often to the general public. It often happens to people who have had major surgery, accidents, especially broken bones, or have cancer or heart disease, etc. Patients often have shortness of breath, are tired, cough, have chest pain or tightness. Patients may have worse symptoms while taking a deep breath, coughing, eating, or bending over.
5. Gastritis
It disease that can found in children and the elderly. โปรโมชั่น ufabet Both male and female. It can occur suddenly and rapidly. It is cause by infection with the bacteria H.pylori, stress, anxiety, and other factors. This disease causes symptoms of acute stomach pain, burning, tightness in the area below the epigastric region (in some cases, the pain reaches the chest) and may be accompanied by nausea and sour burping.